We still need volunteers for our first game this Saturday.
The coaches would like to find a coach or parent who has a little medical background to assist with minor bumps and bruises. Basically when we get an injured or exhausted player, they would tend to them, make sure they get water, helmet off. If the situation is more extreme, we will call in the EMT. Let me know if this is something you would be able to volunteer for this season.
Please check out the Sign Up Genius for this week. We still need a parent to help with the concession stand during the second half of the game. (it’s my understanding that there will be HS students there helping out) and we need 2 more parents to help with the chain gang on the field.
Signup genius link is:
Thank you in advance for your help!! We can’t have a successful season without you!!
I will be sending out the weekly email tomorrow night. Be on the look out for details on our first game week. Can’t wait to get this season started!
Go Raiders!!!
Andrea White