Jr Raider Family Update

April 20, 2020

Hello Junior Raider Families,

I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe!  We want to continue our commitment to provide our Raider family with up-to-date essential information as we progress in this unpresented time.

On Friday April 17th, the GMSAA BOD met virtually and officially suspended the Spring Football session. The GMSAA will continue to re-evaluate key dates as the Governor moves to re-open Georgia and approval is given at the high school level from the GHSA and County School Districts to resume Athletic activities.

On Sunday, April 19th our AJRF Board also met virtually to continue our planning for the upcoming season.  Your Coaches are actively engaged with the AHS coaching staff as we continue our goal of creating synergy within our program.  As of today, we are taking a wait and see approach on formalizing our summer sessions but rest assured that there has been absolutely NO talk of cancelling the upcoming 2020 season.  What better way to bring back some normalcy then Football! Our registration portal is still open and in the UNLIKELY event that the season does not take place ALL fees will be fully refunded. 

On behalf of our entire Board, we hope you enjoy this time with your family, be safe and stay positive.  We can’t wait to see all of you and your children on the field!

Go Raiders!

Bryan DeCort

“In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.” – Arnold Glasgow

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