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]]>I have attached a sign up genius to this email. These are duties we need parents to help with at each of our 4 Home Games. Our program runs on volunteers and these volunteer roles help make our games possible.
You are welcome to sign up for more then one game. Parents that sign up for chains get a front row seat to the action on the field. Even in the concession stand, you still can view the game from the side door and you always have help with our Concessions Director.
Thanks in advance for helping to make this a successful season!
Go Raiders!
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]]>The post Family Update – Return to Play Safely appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>We are extremely excited to return to play on June 8th after spending so much time indoors. It will be great to see old teammates, our awesome coaches and welcome new families to the Raider Nation. Rest assured that the health, safety and wellbeing of our families, players and coaches remains our top priority. We have implemented a strict “Return to Play Safely” protocol to protect the safety of your family, our players and coaching staff. This protocol adheres to all of the safety requirements outlined by the federal, state and county municipalities for safely returning to play. During our voluntary non-contact Summer conditioning sessions, you will notice the following safety measures:
Our summer session begins June 8th at North Park, field 1 and will run through June 30th. After July 5th our sessions will move to Alpharetta High School. Please plan to have your player arrive by 5:30 on June 8th to ensure he/she is checked in properly and note that all players will be required to have a parental waiver completed prior to participation.
June Conditioning Dates:
Registration is open. Please register your player today so our coaching staff can properly prepare their training programs at
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford
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]]>The post Save the Date – June 8th appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>We are incredibly excited to officially kick-off the 2020 Junior Raider Football Season. Summer conditioning sessions will begin June 8th at North Park.
Your AJRF Board has worked very hard to clear a path so our players can safely begin Summer workouts together. We are in the process of finalizing all of the details for our Summer sessions with a primary focus on our Raider families health and safety. Please keep an eye out for a comprehensive update via email next week that will outline dates, times, required paperwork and safety protocols as we quickly ramp up all football activities.
If you have not already, please register your player prior to 6/8 so that our Coaching staff can properly prepare their training programs.
Thanks for your continued support and patience!
Go Raiders!
Bryan DeCort
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]]>The post Jr Raider Family Update – May 20th appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>I hope this message finds you safe and healthy. On behalf of the Jr. Raider Board, we want to thank you for your continued support as we navigate through the impact of CV19.
On Sunday, May 17th our AJRF Board met virtually to continue planning for the 2020 season. Our top priority is to return to the field while ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our families, players and coaches. GMSAA is scheduled to meet in June to discuss a possible timeline and safety procedures of when we can get back to work. The in-depth, tireless work of this Board has given me a new level of confidence that given the green light, we can resume play safely.
Your coaches continue to meet virtually and have held several install sessions with the AHS football staff in order to prepare our coaching staff for this upcoming season. We have balanced our budget, created new rigor around our scholarship program and completed a full audit of our equipment needs to establish a short- and long-range plan to repair, upgrade and replenish. This season, our boys will enjoy newly reconditioned helmets and fresh new player packs.
Thank you to those families that have completed your online registration. The registration portal remains open and we are encouraged by the continued interest in our program. Many student athletes learn invaluable life lessons from the adversity they endure playing team sports. These experiences teach humility, discipline and the value of hard work. Now is the perfect time for our Raiders to display those qualities and characteristics.
Stay safe, enjoy this beautiful weather and we will be in touch very soon.
GO Raiders!
Bryan DeCort
Board President
“Football is like life. It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority” ~Vince Lombardi
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]]>The post Jr Raider Family Update appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe! We want to continue our commitment to provide our Raider family with up-to-date essential information as we progress in this unpresented time.
On Friday April 17th, the GMSAA BOD met virtually and officially suspended the Spring Football session. The GMSAA will continue to re-evaluate key dates as the Governor moves to re-open Georgia and approval is given at the high school level from the GHSA and County School Districts to resume Athletic activities.
On Sunday, April 19th our AJRF Board also met virtually to continue our planning for the upcoming season. Your Coaches are actively engaged with the AHS coaching staff as we continue our goal of creating synergy within our program. As of today, we are taking a wait and see approach on formalizing our summer sessions but rest assured that there has been absolutely NO talk of cancelling the upcoming 2020 season. What better way to bring back some normalcy then Football! Our registration portal is still open and in the UNLIKELY event that the season does not take place ALL fees will be fully refunded.
On behalf of our entire Board, we hope you enjoy this time with your family, be safe and stay positive. We can’t wait to see all of you and your children on the field!
Go Raiders!
Bryan DeCort
“In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.” – Arnold Glasgow
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]]>The post Junior Raiders- Trainers Needed appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>Email Jeannie Ullman at [email protected] to get more information!
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]]>The post Volunteers Needed appeared first on Alpharetta Jr Raider Football.
]]>We still need volunteers for our first game this Saturday.
The coaches would like to find a coach or parent who has a little medical background to assist with minor bumps and bruises. Basically when we get an injured or exhausted player, they would tend to them, make sure they get water, helmet off. If the situation is more extreme, we will call in the EMT. Let me know if this is something you would be able to volunteer for this season.
Please check out the Sign Up Genius for this week. We still need a parent to help with the concession stand during the second half of the game. (it’s my understanding that there will be HS students there helping out) and we need 2 more parents to help with the chain gang on the field.
Signup genius link is:
Thank you in advance for your help!! We can’t have a successful season without you!!
I will be sending out the weekly email tomorrow night. Be on the look out for details on our first game week. Can’t wait to get this season started!
Go Raiders!!!
Andrea White
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