The 2021 Alpharetta Jr. Raider Football Season is Here!
Registration is now CLOSED for the 2021 Alpharetta Junior Raider Football Season
Spring Football starts at the end of April, with a GMSAA Jamboree the second weekend in May for a full three weeks of practice time.
Fall Football practice will formally start the last week of July.
2021 Registration is a one-time payment of $600. Please note that registration will close August 6th at midnight.
Registration fees are utilized to provide Equipment, League Dues, Referee Fees, Insurance, Game Day Operations, Game Day Film, On Site EMT Personnel plus rental and maintenance fees for use of the Alpharetta High School practice fields and stadium.
Registration for your rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders is simple and easy.
Any questions , please contact Sandi High, Registrar at [email protected]
Hardship Scholarships: Scholarships are available for this football season. If you believe you are eligible please email our AJRF Treasurer, Courtney Leiker at [email protected] – She will forward you the application along with all other pertinent information regarding the scholarship process.
Your registration will include Spring Football starting at the end of April, as well as participation in the Fall Football Season.
We look forward to a great season and hope you join us for the journey!
Go Raiders!
Practice Schedule
Three times a Week Practice
During the season we will practice three days a week. Which days to be determined. Each grade will have their own schedule.
Equiptment Information
Home & Away Jerseys
For early registrants your player will receive a player pack with 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. In August, your player will receive his jersey and socks. Equipment Pick-up day info coming soon.